Mazda BT50 / Ford Ranger WEC 3.0L T/Diesel 2006-2011
Mazda BT50 / Ford Ranger WEC 3.0L T/Diesel 2006-2011
Camshaft Seized Causing Bent Valves After Replacing Cylinder Head
The last thing anybody needs is to have expensive damage occur because of not replacing all damaged components.
A failed EGR Cooler caused the original overheating problem. This led to a distorted head and failure of the head gasket. In the original repair, an exchange cylinder head was fitted along with a new EGR cooler.
Soon after the original repair, the camshaft seized, which bent all the valves.
The customer fitted an exchange cylinder head to the vehicle after the original cylinder head had been damaged from overheating.
After fitting the exchange cylinder head the customer rang to state that the camshaft had seized causing bent valves.
Upon inspection of the cylinder head, it was found that there was a severe lack of lubricant to the camshaft bearing journals, which caused the camshaft to seize.
The customer carried out further diagnosis on the engine and found that there was no oil supply to the cylinder head from the block at all!
Service Fix
The sump was removed from the engine and upon inspection, it was found that the engine oil had been extremely overheated and had melted the plastic oil pick-up in the sump.
The bottom end of the engine was checked and fortunately, it was found to be still in good condition. New valves were fitted to the cylinder head, a timing belt and a new oil pump pick up.
Oil flow to the cylinder head was checked with the new oil pump pick-up installed. The oil flow was good, confirming that the problem was solved.